

RanxHub ID: msmarco-passage/trec-dl-2020/ranxhub/slim
Version: 1.0
Description: SLIM run reproduced using Pyserini.
Tags: Retrieval
Date: 25 May 2023
Run Authors: Elias Bassani
From Paper:
Paper Authors:


Name: SLIM
Description: SLIM maps each contextualized token vector to a sparse, high-dimensional lexical space before performing late interaction between sparse token embeddings. It employs a two-stage retrieval architecture that includes inverted index retrieval followed by a score refinement module to approximate the sparsified late interaction, which is fully compatible with off-the-shelf lexical search libraries such as Lucene.
Tags: Late Interactions · Sparse Representations · BERT
Paper: SLIM: Sparsified Late Interaction for Multi-Vector Retrieval with Inverted Indexes
Authors: Minghan Li · Sheng-Chieh Lin · Xueguang Ma · Jimmy Lin


NDCG@10 MAP@1000 Recall@1000
0.6403123403278427 0.44188777168549054 0.8542621067515406